Homeopathy is a system of medicine which stands on its four basic pillors - laws or principles
The effectiveness of Homeopathy depends upon many factors.
Communication skills, Professional and experienced homoeopath, patient-doctor relationship, obtaining
good history, understanding the actual disease process and its manifestatin in the language of symptoms and
many more. Therefore during scientific trials, the results are not convincing because of the same trial
criterion for every patient and every control. Each individual scientifically speaking is a unique entity
and the patients with same disease nature and disease process may manifest in different language in terms of
symptoms which had been proven on healthy individuals. Therefore to all the constipated patients no one
remedy can be prescribed to check the effectiveness of medicine during trial. A set of twenty constipated
patients may need twenty different medicines according to his individuality. Regardless of the scientific
trials, homeopathy is time tested mode of treatment for all acute and especially the chronic diseases.